
Compliance Work
- Personal tax returns
- Partnership tax returns
- Small company tax returns
- Small business/company accounts
- Non-resident landlords' returns
- Tax payment advice
- Payroll service and end of year forms
- Small business/company VAT returns
- IR35
Advisory Work
- Personal tax advice including arranging your affairs in the most tax efficient manner
- Business start ups and advice - sole trader, partnership, limited company or limited partnership?
- Sale of businesses and business assets, and entrepreneurs' relief
- Bringing family members into the business
- Capital gains tax advice and calculations for sale of assets
- Property planning, including second homes
- Inheritance tax and succession planning, handing down wealth
- HMRC tax investigations
- Residence - advice and planning for individuals coming to or leaving the UK
- Domicile - remittance planning and advice, and arranging your affairs in a tax efficient manner
These lists are not exhaustive so if you need assistance with any tax or other compliance or advisory issues not shown here, please contact me.